Automobile Rover 45

101-150 hp
1999-2005 years

Automobile Rover 45 photo

Automobile Rover 45 sedan characteristics, photo
Automobile Rover 45 hatchback characteristics, photo

Automobile Rover 45 characteristics

SerieSedan, Hatchback

Operating characteristics:

Cruising range390-1380 km
Mixed driving fuel consumption per 100 km5-9 litre
City driving fuel consumption per 100 km7-14 litre
Highway driving fuel consumption per 100 km4-6 litre
Acceleration (0-100 km/h)9-11 sec
Gasoline type95 RON
Fuel tank capacity55 litre
FuelGasoline, Disel


Engine typeGasoline, Disel
Injection typeMulti-point fuel injection, Direct injection
Boost typeTurbo
Max power at RPM4200-6500 RPM
Cylinder bore75-84 mm
Valves per cylinder4, 2
Stroke cycle66-89 mm
Cylinder layoutInline, V-type
Number of cylinders4, 6
Engine power101-150 hp
Engine capacity1396-1997 cm3
Maximum torque123-260 N*m
Turnover of maximum torque2000-4500 RPM


Number of seater5
Ground clearance150 mm
Wheelbase2620 mm
Min/Max trunk capacity380-810 litre
Rear track/Front track1475 / 1465 mm
Full weight1640-1770 kg
Curb weight1180-1340 kg
Height1394-1395 mm
Width1696 mm
Length4362-4517 mm


Front suspensionWishbone
Rear suspensionStrut

Gearbox and Handling:

Drive wheelsFront wheel drive
Gearbox typeManual, Automatic
Number of gear5


Front brakesDisc, ventilated
Rear brakesDisc, Drum

Automobile Rover 45

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